Friday, March 7, 2008

Quote of a Significant Passage

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything.” Chapter 2, pg 40

This is significant to me and also to everyone else because this is how we all think, everyone one of us, including myself, of course. We tend to think that we are different from other savages and that we are civilized people who are better than everyone else. This was very stirring since I often found myself thinking, “I am not like those idiots. I am better and all.” Honestly, I continuously thought that I was better than all the other guys simply because I was a Christian and being a Christian, at first, meant to me that I didn’t sin many times like other people. Because of this misconception I have always been pointing a finger at non-Christian people, since I have thought that they sin much more than I do. I especially criticized people who kept bossing people around, using violence as a tool. I even cursed some of them saying I would never be like them. However, it was soon before I found myself bossing around. When I was around the older people, I didn’t do or even think of such a thing. However, when many of the guys were younger than me, and powerless, I found myself bossing them around even using violence for no reason. Shockingly, I felt good after using violence, and kept using more and more of it. It was more than stunning. It was not only after some of the older guys came in that I came into my senses. The darkness inside us all, using satisfaction as bait, pulling us into complete evil. It was simply petrifying how evil can be in control of us in a second, pulling us deeper and deeper into the darkness. However, the more shocking fact that I, a faithful Christian, when given the chance would use violence and power and be pleased in it. This foolishness of me reminded me of 1 Corinthians 10:12 “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”

This also made me realize that we all have this little bit of darkness inside us that can control us. Not only me and some other people, but everyone. Even your parent, your best friends, your teachers, and even the people you have trusted all your life can turn into people mesmerized by evil. When put in a certain circumstance that evil can take over in a second and soon we will simply puppets of evil. We all are just that way.
Romans 3:23- “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
However, we still have that good part inside us, which is the Holy Spirit that helps us from falling into darkness and keeps the whole world from being full of evil. If we know and believe that Christ had died for us, the Holy Spirit will come upon us and guide us. We have that righteousness, through Christ’s death, inside us that helps us decide what is right and what is wrong. God still shows his love despite our evil nature and guides us in paths of righteousness through the Holy Spirit. This good and righteousness is what keeps the whole world in destruction of evil.
Romans 5:8- “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with you about us thinking “we are different from other savages and that we are civilized people who are better than everyone else.” As I said on my post, I also thought that I was different from the savages. However, as I continued to think about it, I was more and more disturbed by it. Then, I realized that my savageness was portrayed through my hostility toward others, my greediness, and my teasing of others. I was reminded of how often I was hostile and nasty to others and how often I teased and taunted others for my satisfaction and pleasure. At the same time, I realized what a hypocrite I was, and how I'm not any different from others.

I also agree with you about the little bit of darkness inside us that can control us. However, like you said, we also have another part of us, the Holy Spirit, which keeps us righteous and good. It allows our conscience to guide us in what to do. Because of it, we know what is right and what is wrong, and through it, we are said to be made in the image of God. I think Golding conveys this fairly effectively through Ralph. After Ralph kills Simon, he knows he did wrong, and he is sorry for it. May be Golding was trying to show us this idea through Ralph.

theoLogy//T-0 said...

Mogli I agree with you how people think they are better than others because they are "this" or "that". However people would probably behave the same way as savages when placed in the same situation. And who are those people who boss you around. I will save you from them Mogli. Anyways, I also notice the desire for power in the "hyungs" when they sometimes tell me to do stuff. This applies more for "hyungs" that aren't that big or have any reputation. But the older people who are huge and powerful don't really boss you around because they know that they are higher level. I think that people tend to become like Jack when they are weaker or have a reputation to maintain. Anyways holla back Mogli.

Strike Freedom said...

Nice posting. I guess the referreing of bible makes it a strong and supported post. And also makes it "THE UNTOUCHABLE" to me. Because I don't like arguing or criticizing any certain religion. I will take this information as a valuable resource of intelligence that could be performed in this community. Pick a subject that are more freely opened for criticizing and debating. Because I can debate about humans being hypocrite, but I can't mass around with it due to the religious reference that you have made.