Sunday, March 2, 2008

Overwhelming forces of evil (Theme of the Lord of the Flies and how it relates to us teenagers living in 2007)

The major theme of the novel is the idea of evil and darkness inside us all. This evil can overcome any one of us in any quick moment, when set at the right conditions. Recently, I have been watching some series drama called "Lost". In this drama, about people trapped and lost in an island, it clearly showed how a person can turn so evil when put into this horrible life-threatening situation. As I went onto watching these series, I was frightened by how evil people can turn into, even the unexpected the ones who seemed so nice did things even he, himself, would have never thought of doing. I felt that "Lord of the Flies" was similar, but it was much more shocking and dramatic, simply leaving me in an exclamation of awe.

Golding, instead of using adults, used little children, which made it much more shocking. When we all think of children, they have this clean, innocent image. Who can ever think of an innocent child going around killing people? However, he uses these boys to emphasize how everyone, and everyone, no matter how kind or nice they seem, no matter how innocent they look, will turn destructive and evil when put into a certain position. Even the kindest person that you have ever met will start stealing and killing when put in a certain surrounding. Even your best friends would stab you in the back and smile in your face.

This novel starts out with the crash of a plane that was evacuating a group of school boys. Without any adults whatsoever, these boys start their adventure in surviving. Excited by this, there is a friendliness mood going on. Not knowing what to do, these boys sit down and decide to choose a chief. There were two major leaders of the big ones: Ralph and Jack. Although Ralph was made chief, he decided to share the power with Jack and the peace and order continued. However, the peace lasted a second. Evil started to take over as the situation was getting worse and worse. Since, the rescue seemed hopeless and there wasn't much sign of it, the children were escaping more far away from civilized life, getting more confused and confused not realizing what they are heading toward . Their chaotic life continued as the children started to do whatever they felt like, forgetting what they are supposed to do. They go on to simply have fun and enjoy worldly pleasures such as hunting, stealing, and fighting for power, especially killing the pigs and doing the rituals which reveals our savage nature. Through these savage and evil actions they feel pleasure and want more of it. Like a virus, this love for violence spreads through everyone, making them all fall into evil.

With no responsibility for the weaker ones, only the powerful and big ones fought for power, forgetting what is really happening and what they are actually supposed to do. With no surprise, the first death comes; the disappearance of the little kid with a mark on his face. No one was really responsible; however, the killing just simply gets bigger. The second death is when Simon, one of the big kids, tries to bring Jack and his followers back to reality and spend effort to be saved rather than hunt. If Jack was alone, Simon wouldn't have been killed, but Jack and his group was engaged and overwhelmed by the ceremony and hwen people are in groups, they are capable of any violence that they would have never even thought of alone. Overwhelmed by evil, they killed Simon as a group. They speared him, but even after that no one grabbed their hair and said, "Oh No! What have I done!" This was extremely shocking. They inhumanely just killed another guy similar to them with no purpose. It was chaos. The last death was the worst. It was a cold-blooded murder with one and one person alone responsible for the death, Roger. Even when Piggy completely died from the fall, there was no moral. Moral or justice was inexistent. The dark and evil has completely swallowed everyone. Stealing and killing wasn't even a crime to these innocent little boys. They just simply did whatever they felt like doing to feel pleasure. And they simply went deeper and deeper into the darkness, feeling pleasure each time they go deeper.

This chaotic idea of how evil can be so powerful and destructive was absolutely petrifying. These little "innocent" boys just killed and stole without even having the common sense to realize what wrong they have done. This evil inside each one of the kids overpowers them with pleasure, controlling the kids to do whatever the evil tells them to do. Not only is it controlling their actions, but it has completely erased the moral and conscience these kids had, simply encouraging them and pulling them deeper and deeper into the beastly hole of darkness.

This is relevant to us teenagers living in 2007 because we, as teenagers also have that kind of evil inside us all desperately tempting us. An evil that tempts us to want power and be pleased in it. An evil that tempts us to use violence to be pleased. An evil that overwhelms us to want worldly pleasures. If you have carefully observed teenagers in 2007, you would have clearly noticed how violent they have become and how keen they are to power. Everyone wants to be strong and cool having power and getting respect from other guys. Who wants to be a weak nerd getting pushed around all the time? Recent fights that I have witnessed were usually to determine who was the stronger and better guy. How foolish is that, fighting over some nonsense things. But we still fight for it, and I may be criticizing these people the whole time, when I will also fight for power if I had the opportunity and right conditions. Adults aren't the only ones that have evil inside. We, as teenagers, have the evil that can burst out of us and control us to even start killing.


Jane Kim said...

The comparison between the movie and the book was approving. And the photos were 'WOW'. It is hard to imagine that the boys in our age and result such a killing of their own companions. The part when you point out 'Golding worte about boys to refer to everyone, not only adults.' sounded very sharp and thorough. But the part when you wrote 'Even your best friends would stab you in the back and smile in your face.' wouldn't mean that you shouldn't alwyas doubt them, isn't? Faith should be in between the relationship of your friends and if the relationship is broken, then you should start to become tense. And for the relation between the novel and the teenagers living in 2008, we shouldn always control our evil mind, and be one the starin, right?

We, as teenagers, have the evil that can burst out of us and control us to even start killing.

Charlie. J. Shin said...
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Charlie. J. Shin said...

Your blog decoration fits to the book!
I agree with your idea that the author used teenagers to "shock" us readers. No one would expect "teenagers" to kill each other.
As you said, these boys were innocent in the beginning of the story. But powerful evil inside them had made them murderors.
As a teenager, I also got scared by the evil mind inside myself.
I also got scared of my friends, because we do not know when our mind will get taken over by evil!

You did a nice job Daniel,..
I feel ashamed...

Jun Do said...

Haha well, first of all, i really like the pictures, especially the golem one. anyways, i think you wrote something really thoughtful with the relationship that this gives these days. knowing rules and obeying them makes us a civilized person. without rules we would just be like wild jungle people.

Strike Freedom said...

Daniel, nice job on your blog layout.

Now, about the theme. Yes you are correct and educated about the thesis you made. However, you can think more outside of the box (reach the ultimate conclusion). Think specifically about the evil that is conveyed in the novel. I won't discuss anymore on comment.

I will give you a hint. This book is not only a story of iscolated boy. It is the whole human history itself.

If you need information sharing, you can either work out more yourself or read a little bit of my blog.

Karine Choi said...
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Karine Choi said...

I agree with you in the problems of a teenager living today. Honestly i do feel alot of pressure amoungst everyone.

When you siad that everyone was innocent in the beginning of the book and i could feel that i could relate to the book in a very bold way. I think you've done a good job explaining the situation :)
--------karine haha