Friday, March 7, 2008

The Climax

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

Surprisingly, in this novel, the climax is right before the end of the novel leaving not much space for either falling action or resolution. The climax is after deaths of main characters such as Simon and Piggy and Jack’s pursuit to kill Ralph, Ralph finally meets an adult, a naval commander who came after seeing the smoke from the fire. The awesome part is that, right when Ralph is headed to the beach with no where else to go, right when Jack and his tribe were running to kill him, the commander appears to stop them. Even if the commander was a minute late, Ralph would have already been dead and gone. Jack and his tribe, who were furiously chasing Ralph, started to cry as soon as they saw the commander. The boys also just stopped everything and simply started to gravely weep.

This makes me feel hope for various reasons. During my whole lifetime, I have been through many troubles and hard times. For me, as a Christian, this gives me hope. It tells me that no matter what trouble I am in, no matter what destructive evil am around me, no matter how close I am to having my life taken away, in the end, God will meet my needs. No matter how evil everyone in the world turns into, God will save me in the end if I just put trust in it. He will be right there for me if I just believe in HIM, he will be right there to protect me when I have nowhere to run to. That is just simply mind-blowing to know that an almighty God will be there to protect you and will meet your needs, no matter how close you are to just simply falling apart. My heart started to sting and ache, my own throat chocked on me, my nose playfully changed its size, and my very own eyes blinded me. Stop and think about it. Try thinking how great it is to have an almighty God who will not let you down.
Hebrews 10:23
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”