Friday, March 7, 2008

Mood of the novel

What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in anyway? why?

The mood of this novel is too complicating to describe in a few words, but one truth is connected to all the moods throughout the story, we all have darkness inside us. The mood of the novel is exciting at first. They are excited by the fact that their parents are gone and they are free to do what they feel like doing. Each and everyone are extremely pleased leaving in this “free” place where they can enjoy what they have never had in this beautiful island. However, soon the mood starts to drastically change to dark, complicated, and evil. As time passed and the more time they were away from parents and adults, the more violent and savage they have become making the mood more dark and scary. Then as the killing starts to go on, the mood becomes terrifying because of all the evil actions done by the “innocent” little boys. The mood is mostly horrifying throughout the whole novel.

This novel saddens me in many ways, but especially because of the fact that we all can be conquered by the evil inside ourselves in just a few seconds. It is simply terrifying to know that the fact that even the kindest and polite person I have ever met will kill me when set at the right circumstance. That is simply intimidating. Think about it, your best friend will kill you by savagely stabbing you with a knife when set at the right circumstances. Even your parents, your parents who have loved you ever since birth, will kill you, smiling at your face when set at the right circumstance. That is definitely shocking and alarming. This weakness of human beings saddens me. We can so easily be slaves of evil and darkness. The worst part is that we will always have evil inside us, no matter how kind or nice we are. We will all have that evil in the corner of our heart waiting and planning for conquest.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think you hit the point where you said that we can all be conquered by evil. However, I don’t think that means that another person, even the kindest person, will kill you under the right circumstances. Moreover, I, certainly, don’t think that my best friend or my parents will stab me with a knife and be smiling, even under the supposedly “right circumstances.” As shown by Ralph, not everyone succumbs to the evil or darkness inside them. Ralph did participate in the murder of Simon, but afterward, he also felt mortified by his act and was repentant. He realized his fault, and did not yield to savageness again. There are people in the world who are like Ralph. They realize their savage instincts and have the capacity to control their darkness.
For example, there is a true story I heard, where there were two people and a bomb. The first person knew that if the bomb was left alone, both of them would die; thus, he jumped over the bomb and he covered it. Even though the first person died, this allowed the second person to live.
If everyone was like what you stated, then the first person would not have sacrificed himself for the good of the second person. Moreover, how can you, or anyone, for this matter, believe that a parent can kill their child or that a best friend can kill their friend? If what you said was true, then we would not be able to go near our parents or friends, for the fear of being murdered. Even under the supposedly “right circumstances,” would you kill your parents or your best friends? If someone told me to kill my parents or my best friend, I would not do it, even if the consequences was death, and I believe my parents and my best friend would do the same for me. There is trust between us, which is why I call them “parents” or “best friend.”
Finally, you said, “The worst part is that we will always have evil inside us, no matter how kind or nice we are.”
Yes, it’s true. However, maybe, the most important thing is about how we control this evil inside us……

t.mid said...

I like this post of yours a lot, Daniel. I chose not to do this one, so it's really interesting to hear what others have to say about it.

First off, I agree with what you're saying in the first paragraph. It's an EXCELLENT interpretation of the mood throughout this novel. I could really fell the mood that you expressed via this blog pst. Like when you said it was sad, I actually opened my window while it was raining and stuck my legs out, just because it fellt right, as if I was in the story, along with feeling the mood being expressed by Golding.

What I love about this, is your writing style in the second paragraph. It had almost absolutely nothing to do wth the mood of the story. It comes as a suprise to hear you talking about something other than the mood. It also shows that you can really work on a project such as this, and actually reflect on it. You weren't just answering the question. You wrote down what was going through your head, and couldn't stop. It clearly shows that you have amazing writing talent, and clear thoughts through just a simple paragraph.

Back to the actual content of the second paragraph, I'm saying that you're quite the thinker, man. Yu can see past what life seems and pointed out the evil in us all, the one thing we try to rid in life, but we can't, because it builds, and doesn't reduce quite as easily. The only way for this building burden to be lifted is through God. The evilness cannot backfire or even fire out if God is in control. Psalm 23.

Jenny Kim said...
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James Kang said...
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James Kang said...

You've got the main point right Daniel. I agree that we all have internal darkness within us that can take control. However, I think taking the power of this evil beyond love is a bit overboard. Personally, I think that through the love we receive and give in our relationships, we develop our morality and find meaning in life. Thus, we find a purpose in life other than instinct related savagery. This purpose keeps such darkness at bay. I'm not saying we can't be overcome in all situations. A weak relationship could easily be broken in the situations you greatly described. Nonetheless we must acknowledge the ever-so significant role that love plays in our lives.

April 28, 2008 11:53 PM