Friday, March 7, 2008

The signficant four characters in the novel

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

In this powerful novel, there are four main characters: Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon. These four characters all resemble significant people in this world and take a significant part in delivering a petrifying and shocking, but true theme and universal truths. Out of these four characters, the character that I most admire is Simon. Simon is the Christ like figure in this story. One of his characteristic that I absolutely love about him is that he is humble and unselfish. Unlike other big guys who were keen to power and were bossy, he stayed low and demanded neither power nor violence. He is also very calm and collected. He doesn’t get neither over excited or panic- stricken. He calmly observes what is going on and tries to figure out what to do. Unlike any of the hunters, he isn’t carried away with the hunting and the savage ways of living. However, he continuously goes around trying to get even the tiniest clue. Simon also has this intelligence inside him that brings him into an epiphany. He realizes what is happening and how evil has been contaminating everyone like a virus. Most importantly, the characteristic that I love him for is his courage. Despite all the warnings and threats the pig head said telling not to tell the others about the evil that is taking over everyone; he didn’t listen to this malignant, pig head full of evil thoughts. He had already experienced how horrible it can be for him if he disobeyed the pig head and warned the others about it. He knew about all the pleasures he could have in the island, but instead, he had the courage to even risk his life to save the others. The boldness and the bravery that he had were completely mind-blowing to me. To give up everything they have, to give up everything that they have ever dreamed of enjoying, to give it all up, and even risk his own life to save these foolish savage people who have never gave him respect. His great care and love for the other people who have hated him was simply stunning, leaving stirring thoughts stuck in my head forever.

Although Ralph is not my favorite character, he is still a character that I love. Ralph is the kind of character that will stand up for what is right even if he stands alone. He has that courage and determination to step up for what he believes is right. Throughout the story, he shows strong determination and sticks to his principle which is exactly why I like him. No matter who he is against whether Jack or whoever, he does what he believes is right. Basically he is not a coward. Even when most of the guys are on the opposite side with Jack, he opposes them. Also, he has a moral conscience, stronger than anyone else. For example, after Simon died, when everyone has nearly lost their moral conscience and was floating away to a more savage way of life, Ralph was the only one to ask him again, “Did we just kill Simon?” He is not quite calm, but he still has the conscience to see what they have done wrong. Lastly, Ralph has perseverance. Even though many ignored and disobeyed him, he still keeps that hope of getting rescued deep inside his heart never giving up that little bit of hope. Not even showing any sign of surrendering.

Out of all the characters, Piggy was the most memorable, partially because he made me laugh and because of his funny appearance, but because of the important things he said. He was smart and said intelligent things; however, he was a coward, unlike Ralph. Whenever Jack came against him, he took a step back and listened to him. Despite his cowardice, he was crucial in keeping hope alive, taking care of the little ones. He did the job that no one wanted to do. When everyone was off, getting on with their own business, Piggy was the only one who stayed back, doing the job that was extremely disliked. He was also the one who helped Ralph sort things out, giving advices. Piggy was kind of like a mom in a sense who gave advices, doing chores and taking care of the little ones. He is very intelligent, but he is simply too scared.

Jack is the character that I absolutely dislike. He is the character who makes me go, “AAAAAAHH! What are you doing! Are you stupid? Can’t you clearly see what you have to do? What is wrong with you?” Even though he is just a character in the book reading about what foolish actions he take makes me throw the book down, continuously chocking and punching the pillow until I come back to my senses. It simply makes me want to slap the evil out of him. He is so keen on having power and bossing people around that he doesn’t realize what is happening and what he has to do. He simply believes that he is doing the right thing, when he is hundred percent contaminated by evil. Not only he himself falls through the beastly hole of evil, but he also brings many of the other guys with him to this hole. He is the evil pig head’s puppet, giving full control to it, killing or doing everything the pig wants it to do.

There are many things that are special about each one of these main characters. They each resemble a significant character in this world to reveal about universal human experience. The island is like this world. We were once with God. The boys were once with parents for help and protection. Because of the downfall of human kind, we were separated from God such as the boys were from their parents through the plane crash because of the war going on. Simon, the Christ like figure, is like a missionary, realizing the ultimate truth and desperately trying to tell other people about it so that they can be saved from the evil before it is too late. He is like a missionary heading to a savage land where nothing, but evil exists, trying convince and help people to get out of the sinful evilness. Simon is continuously threatened by the evil pig-head, which is like Satan, but he is determined and overwhelmed by the righteousness inside him that he still goes to help them. Even when he is tempted by all the worldly pleasure anyone can ask for, he keeps his mind straight. This reminded me of daring missionaries who go into dangerous places even though they know of all the threats, and still go to save those savage people by telling the truth. They know that they will be missing many of the worldly pleasures; however, they decide to tell about the truth. Ralph is like another unbeliever in this world, trying to figure out what is going on, trying to figure out the truth to this world. He tries to keep on the right track doing his duties, but is often tempted to do wrong. Piggy is also an unbeliever who has quite a bit of knowledge, but is too cowardice to fight against evil and face it. He is simply a coward, trying to deny the truth because he is scared. Jack is like one of Satan’s puppets, going around persecuting and tempting other guys to follow him in paths of evil and unrighteousness. This shows the universal human experience about what is really going on in this world both in the real world and the spiritual world. There are exactly four kinds of people in this world: People who are like Simon, brave and courageous, telling the truth, Ralph, unbelievers in the world, who are desperately trying to find and figure out the truth, Piggy, those who have infinite knowledge, but are too cowardice and scared by threats, and Jack, full of evil, trying to please himself through power and violence. This novel shows what is really happening to people in this world. We all are either like Simon, Ralph, Piggy, or Jack. We are all fighting in this world whether to find the truth or simply ignore it. We are all fighting in this world of evil, trying to survive and escape from evil which trying to control anything it can. Some, like Jack, fail and are in full control of evil, while some survive fighting away from evil like Ralph and Simon. You may wonder then, how is this crazy situation in this island related to our peaceful world? Look around you. If you careful observe, even if you carefully observe yourself, you will realize that and insane war between is continuously going on in everyone. A crucial point this book shows is what a crazy and evil world we are living in, full of savage and inhumane nature.

Through characters such as Jack and Simon, universal human experiences such as how evil and foolish human are, was delivered. It showed how Simon wanted to help Jack and the others, but Jack refused to even hear what Simon has to say and simply killed him without any regret. We all tend to do whatever we want, instead of thinking before hand. Jack was also used to show us, humans’ savage and violent nature. Jack’s action and personality simply said it all. We are all savage like creature with a great darkness inside us that can make us do actions we have never even thought about doing. However, it not only showed the nature of evil in us humans, but it also showed the good nature of us through characters such as Ralph and Simon. And through these good parts inside us, we are able to fight the evil that is contaminating the whole world.


Karine Choi said...

I agree with you on most of the characters. Ralph was my favorite because he was the one who usually did the right thing and thought of everyone else.

I didn't really like Jack because he was so hungry for power and demanding. It was ridiculous how people can change for other people right?

Let's not be like that :) haha
i liked all your creative decorations!