Sunday, April 6, 2008

North Korea - Eyes of the Tailless Animals

Current situations that relates to the novel. What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

This novel reminds me of a current situation that I am familiar with and extremely passionate about. There is this one book that 1984 strongly reminds me of. The book, Eyes of the Tailless Animals, still brings me anonymous tears that I simply cannot stop. It is about the situation in North Korea, describing how horrible it is, without any kind freedom or hope, with the Communist party in full control of every aspect of life of every human being in North Korea. The Communist party has cameras and spies everywhere to watch every government officials, sharply observing whether the officials are obeying the party's orders or not. Any officials who rebel or even show a little sign of rebellion are savagely tortured or killed, identical with Winston's situation in Oceania. Winston is always spied a watched with telescreens, spying him to see if he is having even that little thought of rebellion. This captivity of freedom across the whole country of North Korea is because of the corrupt Communist Party. The two situations are parallel in many different aspects. Such as the Two Minutes Hates program where everyone become more and more devoted to the party, building more and more hatred towards the other countries, blaming them for whatever problems they have. This is similar with the situation in North Korea where everyone is forced to praise the Communist Party and blame other countries such as the USA and other for their poverty and depressing situation. Most importantly, in both situations, the government controlled everything including history and beliefs. In North Korea, the government makes every citizen force to believe false history, trying to show them how great they are. The situation is not any better in the novel 1984. It is such as the human beings are not living a life, but just a drama as a puppet without any freedom from the puppeteer, simply lifeless.

However, the situation in North Korea seems to be a bit worse. Every civilian, everyone, even the foreigners in the land of North Korea are always living in fear. One wrong movement, just one, can result in death. Countless ones are suffering, captivated, caged, and practically enslaved. In both situations, the two parties are doing whatever they can to stop rebellion and stay in power, going beyond absolutism. Their lust for power is overwhelming, beyond whatever any man has imagined. It is evil behind the party pulling strings of every wrong movement of the party. It is same for both the parties that have all gone mad for power, blinded by its pleasure.

This situation in North Korea saddens me not only because of the suffering everyone is going through because of the corrupt and evil party, but also because of how the time for change and righteousness is more and more fading away with no one really stepping up, courageously breaking the country free from its captivity. Time will never wait for us to courageously fight. Time will just quickly pass by without warning, like the wind just passing by. We have to stand up and seize the time before the future becomes inevitably hopeless. No one really realizes how depressing and distressing our future will be if we are not quick to take action.

The novel didn't really shed any light on how to resolve the desperate situation in North Korea. The novel just rather showed that the result of these hopeless situations would be death and nothing more. Since it has a depressing ending where the main character, Winston, turns over to the party's evil side, betraying Julia, despite his realization of what wrong he is doing. It is a grave and sad ending, Winston turning over to the evil side, soon being murdered by the party afterwards. It doesn't shed any light on how to resolve these situations, but rather emphasizes that it cannot be resolved when it is too late such as it was for the civilization to break free from the party's captivity.