Monday, April 7, 2008

The Climax

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of the story is very close to the ending resolution of the story. It is after Winston is caught with rebellious thoughts and actions with Julia. One of the most shocking parts in the story was that. Mr. Charrington, an old man in the secondhand store who had let Winston and Julia use the room, was a Thought Police, turning Winston and Julia over to the party. This seemed to be the climax, but the climax was to come a little later. Winston and Julia are both captured and brutally beaten down countless times by the evil party, weakened more and more. However, the two persevere, determined to not let go of their rebellion deep inside their heart. A variety of torture are performed to these rebellions of the government including Winston, Julia, and even his neighbor, Mr. Parson, turned in to the party by his own kids. The party hopes to brainwash all of them, making them learn that their one and only option is to obey the party. Winston strongly perseveres through the trials of great suffering, but O'Brien then brings out Winston's ultimate fear, rats. The climax is that savage moment when Winston is put into a cage full of vicious rats biting him, the moment when his soul and mind shatters and just simply gives up. The moment where he just let pain overcome him, doing whatever to get out it. He not only betrays what he believes is right, but he even betrays whom he has loved and promised to love and protect, Julia. The moment is where Winston just simply doesn't care about anything whether what the future is or what the civilization will become of. The moment all he cares about himself and his life, nothing else. The moment his moral and conscience had gone and just wants to get out of the pain, the moment where the triumph sound of the absolutism evil party rings through the air.

These events make me feel more than just simply depressed. It makes me feel as if my future is completely abysmal. Think about it. This story is basically saying that if we are too lazy to quickly change the world, there will be absolutely no hope for anyone to break the world free from the absolutism similar to how the party has absolute control over every aspect of every human being in their country and no one can penetrate that captivity. The party will be in full control of everyone, going around destroying and crumbling anyone who doesn’t carry out their orders when we just stall and wait. There wouldn’t be any hope for anyone whatsoever when it is too late. Another part of the story that makes me sad and depressed is how even the people you trust will turn their backs on you, turning you over to the evil possessed people blinded by lust for power. For example, Mr. Parson is turned over to the party for his rebellious thoughts by his own children whom he loves. Think how depressing it will be to be stabbed in the back by your very own child. A place where trust doesn't exist such as in this novel where they all spy each other turning each other over to the evil party. However, it also gives me inspiration in a sense. It shows that if I don't take quick actions to change the world, the world can soon change into the something shown in the 1984, completely corrupt and full of evil everywhere. It makes me feel inspired and also responsible to change the world before evil government or other sort of power controls everyone of us, killing anyone who doesn't obey. It leaves me with confusing question in my head. "Is it too late for us to change this future? Has this horrifying and shocking future come upon us? Has this desperate hopelessness such as in 1984 reach us yet?”

Isaiah 24:16-20
But I said, "That's all well and good for somebody, but all I can see is doom, doom, and more doom." All of them at one another's throats, yes, all of them at one another's throats. Terror and pits and booby traps are everywhere, whoever you are. If you run from the terror, you'll fall into the pit. If you climb out of the pit, you'll get caught in the trap. Chaos pours out of the skies. The foundations of earth are crumbling. Earth is smashed to pieces, earth is ripped to shreds, earth is wobbling out of control, Earth staggers like a drunk, sways like a shack in a high wind. Its piled-up sins are too much for it. It collapses and won't get up again.