Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mood of the novel

What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in anyway? why?

The mood of the novel is so depressing that the word 'hopeless' alone cannot possibly describe the mood. This saddening mood goes throughout the whole novel, emphasizing the 'hopeless future'. The novel starts as Winston enters his apartment, full of broken and dirty areas. As soon as I read this chapter, memories of the suburban apartments in China rushed out of my memory. The morbid apartment, that I have lived in for four years, still frightens me through its lifelessness and hopelessness in the walls. It reminds me of the horrible mood of hopelessness that I felt every time I walked up and down the stairs. This apartment powerfully conveyed this depressing mood. Many other objects and events such as the telescreen and diary also showed the mood. However, the mood then changes as Winston meets Julia and O'Brien. There is hope and possibilies flowing through the story, but it is just another tool used to emphasize the hopelessness by contradicting Winston's thought of hope through O'Brien when O'Brien turns out to be another member of the party used to capture and torture Winston. In the end, after torture after torture, Winston is murdered, ending the story with a powerful mood of hopelessness and sadness.

I found this novel definitely saddening because of this is telling us that soon enough, if we don't take action quick enough, our future is bound for hopeless captivation of evil rulers such as the ones in the party in 1984. We will have no hope to break out of that captivation, unable to live in freedom unless somebody stands up and stops the dark rulers from gaining any more power. It basically shows the road of our civilization heading into a deep abysmal hole of evil. There can be nothing more depressing than to know how chaotic and bad your future will be like. It is like knowing you will be going in jail after a couple of years or months, knowing you will be powerless just stuck in a cage unable to do anything. It is not too depressing to know that your past was with no freedom, completely captivated, because it is already past and the bright future is ahead of you. However, to know that there is no bright future, it makes me feel awfully depressed, even until the level of killing me, for something worse than just pain is ahead of me.