Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quote of a Significant Passage

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"War is peace

Freedom is slavery

Ignorance is strength"

This passage is very significant to me for various reasons. This passage reminds me of a country where I have been staring at for a long time and hoping to revive and save, North Korea. This passage is so significant to me because the country that I am passionate about, North Korea is also mesmerized with words such as these. This passage is telling us about evil governments who do whatever they want with their people, controlling every part of their aspects. It tells how extreme these governments are. They say that war is peace. How insane is that? War is peace? This passage showing the totalitarianism of the government reminds me of North Korea, also conquered by the totalitarianism of the government.

North Korea was the country that had the largest impact my whole life, mainly because of my parents who had an unbelievable passion in helping the innocent victims of cruel government such as the government in North Korea. Every time when we gathered up in the living room, or somewhere else, my mom would be telling me about how horrible it is in North Korea, frightening me stories from books such as Eyes of the Tailless Animals. She would go on with how savagely tortured these North Koreans were and how they were made to believe whatever the government said. She said that many times these North Korean civilians were savagely stripped, beaten, tortured countless times, then killed even when the tiniest sign of rebellion was shown. Then she would end the dramatic and emotional speech, telling us that we need to grow up and help these innocent victims of North Korea. These stories were unforgettable because of how inhumanely these people treated, inflaming me whenever I heard stories or situations alike this. This not only made me, but also gave me inspiration to work hard and help these people when I grow up. This is why this passage is so significant to me; this passage reminds me of the violent stories of the North Korean government doing whatever they want with the people, causing a bizarre combination of both anger and inspiration. This passage is also significant to me because it reminds me of a time I encountered hundreds of girls who had escaped from North Korea because the government was so cruel and harsh. I was at another city, visiting a church in the suburban area. Then as I turned around the corner, some North Korean girls came at me. They had somehow escaped from their country controlled by the totalitarianism of the government. Their clothes were ripped, not any valuable that cloth thrown away in the streets. Their hair was messed up, a complete disaster. Their dark black faces had dirt marks everywhere. Some were even barefoot. Then next thing I knew tears were flowing down my ten-year old cheeks. I was only ten, but they were still kneeling down, hanging on to my foot. These North Korean girls were desperately asking for money since they had nothing. My whole family was stuck in the middle of the road with these girls hanging unto our legs, tearfully begging. My mom just completely broke down, giving some money to some of the girls. Then all of sudden, nearly fifty girls came rushing toward us, bowing down, asking for money realizing her sympathy. However, my parents knew the consequences of helping these girls. Therefore our family literally ran to the suburban church we were supposed to go to, not looking back. I could still clearly recall that painful moment, those young girls bowing down for money, as a result of the evil government only caring about their selves, and not about the people. They will all do whatever they want with the people, not giving them any freedom in what they say, do, or even believe in. This fires me up with unimaginable anger especially when I am reminded of the poor, young girls begging for money in their filthy rags. This is why this passage, demonstrating the evil and absolutism of the government, is so significant because it reminds me of the poor, young girls begging for money in their filthy rags, suffering all because of the government.

This passage is very meaningful to me because it reminds me of violent stories of the North Korean government savagely torturing civilians continuously told by my mother as I have said before. This passage gives me inspiration to grow up and succeed in life to help these innocent civilians living a life of puppets with no control, but doing whatever the puppeteer tells them to do. It also gives me more passion and fierceness to stand up for these people, having to do and believe whatever the government says. It brings me back to the real world making me realize how cruel and inhumane the governments have become. It alerts me contradicting my thoughts about how the world is going just fine. Most importantly, it is meaningful to me because it gives me a shock, showing what the civilizations in this world are heading towards, dystopia.