Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The signficant four characters in the novel

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

This depressing novel delivers a saddening and terrifying, but true universal human truth through four main characters, each character strongly emphasizing this truth. The four main characters are Winston Smith, Julia, O'Brien, and the Big Brother. The first character that I want to mention is Winston, the leading character of this book. Winston is a skeptical character, secretly questioning nearly everything he encounters in his life. He continuously questions everything, especially the part. He secretly questions the party and why and how they have taken full control of this entire continent, doubting whatever is actually said by the party. He questions why he can’t go on with his utmost pleasure, sex. He is also intelligent and thoughtful, able to interpret and get some hints to what he must do, and why it must be done. He is able to find places to find hints of what life was like before the party took over such as Mr. Charrington’s Second hand shop. He has a bit of courage inside him to find a secret place and attempt at a rebellion, renting the second floor room in Mr. Charrington’s Second hand shop. He also has the courage to have secretly have sex. This character seems to be the one who will finally save the continent from the evil party, however, his fatalism, his biggest weakness, drives him just insane. Instead of believing in himself and putting all his effort to this rebellion, he just does an effortless attempt of rebellion thinking he will be caught and killed in the end. After he finds himself writing “Down with Big Brother” right in front of the telescreen, he just puts in effortless effort and gives him hopeless hope, thinking that he will be tortured and killed in the end, giving ever since the start of the rebellion attempt.

Winston is the exceptional character that I slightly like since I have an unimaginable abhorrence at every other character in this book. I believe that I couldn’t have done any better than Winston put at his desperate situation. We all would have failed to destroy the party because of our own weaknesses. It is true that Winston couldn’t really overcome his weakness and free the continent from the evil party. However, I believe that was all anyone can possibly do. Think about it. Death and torture is ahead of you and you know that you will probably going to get caught and killed no matter what you tell yourself. Will you be able to just courageously go on ahead and cause great rebellion? I don’t think so. Although I deep inside think he could have done much better, I don’t hate him or abhor for not being able to destroy the party.

Although I do not detest Julia as much as O’Brien and the Big Brother, I still hate Julia. She is a young, realistic lady who only looks for pleasure and nothing more. All she looks for is sex and trouble, secretly going around and making love with many different men. She simply doesn’t care about the future or about the party taking complete control over everything. When Winston talks about the party and how it can be destroyed, she simply loses interprets and ignores what he has to say about it. She angers me because she is rather a distraction to Winston’s attempt to destroy the party, distracting him with his utmost pleasure, sex. She keeps meeting him, throwing him off concentration on what is really important.

O’Brien is one of the most detestable characters in this novel. Before Winston is captured and personally tortured by O’Brien, O’Brien is viewed as a hope for rebels who need support. O’Brien is shown as a brave and just man, trying to destroy the evil party and let freedom spread through out the continent. He gives Winston hope, making Winston think that he isn’t the only rebel, wanting to destroy the party. In their first actual meeting, O’Brien even gives Winston a book to give him more knowledge about the party. However, the shocking truth is that O’Brien is a big part in the inner party, used as a trap, soon capturing Winston and torturing him for his act of rebellion to the party. He makes the fall of Winston much more saddening and depressing, making Winston regret his trust for him, then revealing his evil identity. O’Brien continuously tortures Winston, soon using Winston’s most utmost fear to brain wash him. O’Brien just completely gets in control of Winston after all kinds of torture when Winston finally gives up, doing whatever to get out of the insane pain, betraying Julia.

O’Brien is one of the characters that I gravely hate and want to just kill. He was once like Winston and he could have also destroyed the party, but was also brain washed and now a big part of the inner party as he said, “They got me long ago.” This indicates that O’Brien was also once rebellious, but he has learned to just accept the party. O’Brien emphasizes the hopelessness this civilization is in, none unable to rebel and destroy the party. He also strongly emphasizes how evil and dark the Inner Party actually is and how it cannot possibly be penetrated.

The Big Brother is the character that is quite frightening and mysterious. Big Brother is representing the party as one. He also represents other leaders and rulers, who have had absolute power over their country such as Hitler, Kim Jung-Il, and Joseph Stalin. He is just a character that represents the party, but he is powerful and almighty, in full control as if he is God, Himself. The party choose this character because a real big brother, looks after you, taking care of you, seeing if you are making the right choices or not. This character is supposed to be friendly; the party trying to make it look like the party’s action is for the people such as what a big brother does is for his little brother, not for himself. The character Big Brother is like O’Brien, a tool to brain wash people into believing that the evil party is like a big brother of the country, taking care of the people.
I also detest Big Brother because he is the one behind everything, pulling the strings of party leaders such as O’Brien. He is what has caused this whole civilization of come under evil dictator rulers. He is the reason that freedom, even the world itself is nonexistent. He is the one who has caused this absolute control of every aspect of life not any more special than a evil writer making a play with puppets.

Each character helps show and emphasizes a universal human truth with their special attributes. They each resemble a significant character in this world. Winston resembles those who are quite confused, but realizes God is the only way, trying to get to God, desperately fighting and rebelling against Satan to become a Christian. Winston is quite confused how the continent has turned out to be like it is and how the evil party is in absolute control. However, he knows what is right and what must be done. He realizes that he has to destroy the party and realizes that it is the right thing to do. Therefore, Winston resembles those who realize and find out what is the right thing to do, find God in their lives and become a Christian. Winston represents the ones who take responsibility and try to save the world from falling into totalitarianism which resembles people trying to help people become Christians, saving them from going to hell. This reminds me of people who are just figuring out who God is and try to break the walls evil and get to God since they realize that is the right thing to do, but is scared because of evil odds they will have to face which is the exact same situation as Winston realizing that he has to rebel against evil government and destroy it, but is too scared.

Julia resembles those who simply do not care whether what happens to this world. She resembles the people of young generation who do not have any conscience anymore and just seek for pleasure to satisfy themselves. Not only does she represent young women who just want pleasures such as sex and nothing more with their lives, but also young men who also only want pleasures such as sex and drugs, not caring anything about their lives and wanting nothing more with it. She resembles the corrupt people of the young generation who in the end help in making the dystopian world.

O’Brien resembles the evil rulers, corrupting this world, which I like to call Satan’s puppets. These people do whatever Satan tells them to do, hurting and killing anyone who is reaching for God. These people do not actually believe they are completely possessed by Satan, but actually are like part of Satan, doing all kinds of evil, making the world be captivated with darkness and evil. O’Brien resembles Satan’s followers who do everything to stop people from getting to God and stay in almighty power, nearly equal to God’s, such as in the book as O’Brien stops people from getting to freedom.

Big Brother is Satan itself, the evil and savage monster behind all the dystopian nations. Big Brother is the actual character who stops people such as Winston from destroying the party such as Satan is the one who stops people from getting to God. Satan controls many evil rulers such as O’Brien in order to stop people to go to God. Satan closely watches everyone, hurting anyone who shows that they want to go to God. This is parallel to how “Big Brother is watching” and how when party members are caught, they are tortured and brain washed. When people like Winston just simply wouldn’t give up, O’Brien would use their greatest fears upon them, succeeding in brain washing these victims in the end, same as how Satan would quickly find out greatest fears of people who want to become Christians and use it against theses people, doing whatever it can to stop people from getting to God.

These characters all help to show a universal human truth which also matches what the Bible says. Through these characters, it is shown that such dystopian world can be formed through wicked men such as O’Brien. Such a world full of evil where there is barely any hope for anyone to get to God. Where evil men that the Bible has warned about will conquer and control everything, brutally stomping out any hope a person can possibly have.
1 Timothy 6: 3-6
“3If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth…”


breaxion said...

I feel that your blog was unnecessarily long; I am confindent that you could have voiced your thoughts in a more concise manner.

Besides that, I appreciate your diverse range of thoughts. But I disagree with you in the way you said "Satan is Big Brother is the actual character who stops people such as Winston from destroying the party such as Satan is the one who stops people from getting to God."

Though debatable, I don't believe Big Brother is an actual character in the story, but a mere illusion created by the Party to control its people. Furthermore, it is this illusion that fires Winston's hate for the Party even more.

Just some thoughts from Brian P.