Friday, March 7, 2008

Quote of a Significant Passage

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything.” Chapter 2, pg 40

This is significant to me and also to everyone else because this is how we all think, everyone one of us, including myself, of course. We tend to think that we are different from other savages and that we are civilized people who are better than everyone else. This was very stirring since I often found myself thinking, “I am not like those idiots. I am better and all.” Honestly, I continuously thought that I was better than all the other guys simply because I was a Christian and being a Christian, at first, meant to me that I didn’t sin many times like other people. Because of this misconception I have always been pointing a finger at non-Christian people, since I have thought that they sin much more than I do. I especially criticized people who kept bossing people around, using violence as a tool. I even cursed some of them saying I would never be like them. However, it was soon before I found myself bossing around. When I was around the older people, I didn’t do or even think of such a thing. However, when many of the guys were younger than me, and powerless, I found myself bossing them around even using violence for no reason. Shockingly, I felt good after using violence, and kept using more and more of it. It was more than stunning. It was not only after some of the older guys came in that I came into my senses. The darkness inside us all, using satisfaction as bait, pulling us into complete evil. It was simply petrifying how evil can be in control of us in a second, pulling us deeper and deeper into the darkness. However, the more shocking fact that I, a faithful Christian, when given the chance would use violence and power and be pleased in it. This foolishness of me reminded me of 1 Corinthians 10:12 “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”

This also made me realize that we all have this little bit of darkness inside us that can control us. Not only me and some other people, but everyone. Even your parent, your best friends, your teachers, and even the people you have trusted all your life can turn into people mesmerized by evil. When put in a certain circumstance that evil can take over in a second and soon we will simply puppets of evil. We all are just that way.
Romans 3:23- “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
However, we still have that good part inside us, which is the Holy Spirit that helps us from falling into darkness and keeps the whole world from being full of evil. If we know and believe that Christ had died for us, the Holy Spirit will come upon us and guide us. We have that righteousness, through Christ’s death, inside us that helps us decide what is right and what is wrong. God still shows his love despite our evil nature and guides us in paths of righteousness through the Holy Spirit. This good and righteousness is what keeps the whole world in destruction of evil.
Romans 5:8- “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Mood of the novel

What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in anyway? why?

The mood of this novel is too complicating to describe in a few words, but one truth is connected to all the moods throughout the story, we all have darkness inside us. The mood of the novel is exciting at first. They are excited by the fact that their parents are gone and they are free to do what they feel like doing. Each and everyone are extremely pleased leaving in this “free” place where they can enjoy what they have never had in this beautiful island. However, soon the mood starts to drastically change to dark, complicated, and evil. As time passed and the more time they were away from parents and adults, the more violent and savage they have become making the mood more dark and scary. Then as the killing starts to go on, the mood becomes terrifying because of all the evil actions done by the “innocent” little boys. The mood is mostly horrifying throughout the whole novel.

This novel saddens me in many ways, but especially because of the fact that we all can be conquered by the evil inside ourselves in just a few seconds. It is simply terrifying to know that the fact that even the kindest and polite person I have ever met will kill me when set at the right circumstance. That is simply intimidating. Think about it, your best friend will kill you by savagely stabbing you with a knife when set at the right circumstances. Even your parents, your parents who have loved you ever since birth, will kill you, smiling at your face when set at the right circumstance. That is definitely shocking and alarming. This weakness of human beings saddens me. We can so easily be slaves of evil and darkness. The worst part is that we will always have evil inside us, no matter how kind or nice we are. We will all have that evil in the corner of our heart waiting and planning for conquest.

The Climax

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

Surprisingly, in this novel, the climax is right before the end of the novel leaving not much space for either falling action or resolution. The climax is after deaths of main characters such as Simon and Piggy and Jack’s pursuit to kill Ralph, Ralph finally meets an adult, a naval commander who came after seeing the smoke from the fire. The awesome part is that, right when Ralph is headed to the beach with no where else to go, right when Jack and his tribe were running to kill him, the commander appears to stop them. Even if the commander was a minute late, Ralph would have already been dead and gone. Jack and his tribe, who were furiously chasing Ralph, started to cry as soon as they saw the commander. The boys also just stopped everything and simply started to gravely weep.

This makes me feel hope for various reasons. During my whole lifetime, I have been through many troubles and hard times. For me, as a Christian, this gives me hope. It tells me that no matter what trouble I am in, no matter what destructive evil am around me, no matter how close I am to having my life taken away, in the end, God will meet my needs. No matter how evil everyone in the world turns into, God will save me in the end if I just put trust in it. He will be right there for me if I just believe in HIM, he will be right there to protect me when I have nowhere to run to. That is just simply mind-blowing to know that an almighty God will be there to protect you and will meet your needs, no matter how close you are to just simply falling apart. My heart started to sting and ache, my own throat chocked on me, my nose playfully changed its size, and my very own eyes blinded me. Stop and think about it. Try thinking how great it is to have an almighty God who will not let you down.
Hebrews 10:23
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

The signficant four characters in the novel

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

In this powerful novel, there are four main characters: Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon. These four characters all resemble significant people in this world and take a significant part in delivering a petrifying and shocking, but true theme and universal truths. Out of these four characters, the character that I most admire is Simon. Simon is the Christ like figure in this story. One of his characteristic that I absolutely love about him is that he is humble and unselfish. Unlike other big guys who were keen to power and were bossy, he stayed low and demanded neither power nor violence. He is also very calm and collected. He doesn’t get neither over excited or panic- stricken. He calmly observes what is going on and tries to figure out what to do. Unlike any of the hunters, he isn’t carried away with the hunting and the savage ways of living. However, he continuously goes around trying to get even the tiniest clue. Simon also has this intelligence inside him that brings him into an epiphany. He realizes what is happening and how evil has been contaminating everyone like a virus. Most importantly, the characteristic that I love him for is his courage. Despite all the warnings and threats the pig head said telling not to tell the others about the evil that is taking over everyone; he didn’t listen to this malignant, pig head full of evil thoughts. He had already experienced how horrible it can be for him if he disobeyed the pig head and warned the others about it. He knew about all the pleasures he could have in the island, but instead, he had the courage to even risk his life to save the others. The boldness and the bravery that he had were completely mind-blowing to me. To give up everything they have, to give up everything that they have ever dreamed of enjoying, to give it all up, and even risk his own life to save these foolish savage people who have never gave him respect. His great care and love for the other people who have hated him was simply stunning, leaving stirring thoughts stuck in my head forever.

Although Ralph is not my favorite character, he is still a character that I love. Ralph is the kind of character that will stand up for what is right even if he stands alone. He has that courage and determination to step up for what he believes is right. Throughout the story, he shows strong determination and sticks to his principle which is exactly why I like him. No matter who he is against whether Jack or whoever, he does what he believes is right. Basically he is not a coward. Even when most of the guys are on the opposite side with Jack, he opposes them. Also, he has a moral conscience, stronger than anyone else. For example, after Simon died, when everyone has nearly lost their moral conscience and was floating away to a more savage way of life, Ralph was the only one to ask him again, “Did we just kill Simon?” He is not quite calm, but he still has the conscience to see what they have done wrong. Lastly, Ralph has perseverance. Even though many ignored and disobeyed him, he still keeps that hope of getting rescued deep inside his heart never giving up that little bit of hope. Not even showing any sign of surrendering.

Out of all the characters, Piggy was the most memorable, partially because he made me laugh and because of his funny appearance, but because of the important things he said. He was smart and said intelligent things; however, he was a coward, unlike Ralph. Whenever Jack came against him, he took a step back and listened to him. Despite his cowardice, he was crucial in keeping hope alive, taking care of the little ones. He did the job that no one wanted to do. When everyone was off, getting on with their own business, Piggy was the only one who stayed back, doing the job that was extremely disliked. He was also the one who helped Ralph sort things out, giving advices. Piggy was kind of like a mom in a sense who gave advices, doing chores and taking care of the little ones. He is very intelligent, but he is simply too scared.

Jack is the character that I absolutely dislike. He is the character who makes me go, “AAAAAAHH! What are you doing! Are you stupid? Can’t you clearly see what you have to do? What is wrong with you?” Even though he is just a character in the book reading about what foolish actions he take makes me throw the book down, continuously chocking and punching the pillow until I come back to my senses. It simply makes me want to slap the evil out of him. He is so keen on having power and bossing people around that he doesn’t realize what is happening and what he has to do. He simply believes that he is doing the right thing, when he is hundred percent contaminated by evil. Not only he himself falls through the beastly hole of evil, but he also brings many of the other guys with him to this hole. He is the evil pig head’s puppet, giving full control to it, killing or doing everything the pig wants it to do.

There are many things that are special about each one of these main characters. They each resemble a significant character in this world to reveal about universal human experience. The island is like this world. We were once with God. The boys were once with parents for help and protection. Because of the downfall of human kind, we were separated from God such as the boys were from their parents through the plane crash because of the war going on. Simon, the Christ like figure, is like a missionary, realizing the ultimate truth and desperately trying to tell other people about it so that they can be saved from the evil before it is too late. He is like a missionary heading to a savage land where nothing, but evil exists, trying convince and help people to get out of the sinful evilness. Simon is continuously threatened by the evil pig-head, which is like Satan, but he is determined and overwhelmed by the righteousness inside him that he still goes to help them. Even when he is tempted by all the worldly pleasure anyone can ask for, he keeps his mind straight. This reminded me of daring missionaries who go into dangerous places even though they know of all the threats, and still go to save those savage people by telling the truth. They know that they will be missing many of the worldly pleasures; however, they decide to tell about the truth. Ralph is like another unbeliever in this world, trying to figure out what is going on, trying to figure out the truth to this world. He tries to keep on the right track doing his duties, but is often tempted to do wrong. Piggy is also an unbeliever who has quite a bit of knowledge, but is too cowardice to fight against evil and face it. He is simply a coward, trying to deny the truth because he is scared. Jack is like one of Satan’s puppets, going around persecuting and tempting other guys to follow him in paths of evil and unrighteousness. This shows the universal human experience about what is really going on in this world both in the real world and the spiritual world. There are exactly four kinds of people in this world: People who are like Simon, brave and courageous, telling the truth, Ralph, unbelievers in the world, who are desperately trying to find and figure out the truth, Piggy, those who have infinite knowledge, but are too cowardice and scared by threats, and Jack, full of evil, trying to please himself through power and violence. This novel shows what is really happening to people in this world. We all are either like Simon, Ralph, Piggy, or Jack. We are all fighting in this world whether to find the truth or simply ignore it. We are all fighting in this world of evil, trying to survive and escape from evil which trying to control anything it can. Some, like Jack, fail and are in full control of evil, while some survive fighting away from evil like Ralph and Simon. You may wonder then, how is this crazy situation in this island related to our peaceful world? Look around you. If you careful observe, even if you carefully observe yourself, you will realize that and insane war between is continuously going on in everyone. A crucial point this book shows is what a crazy and evil world we are living in, full of savage and inhumane nature.

Through characters such as Jack and Simon, universal human experiences such as how evil and foolish human are, was delivered. It showed how Simon wanted to help Jack and the others, but Jack refused to even hear what Simon has to say and simply killed him without any regret. We all tend to do whatever we want, instead of thinking before hand. Jack was also used to show us, humans’ savage and violent nature. Jack’s action and personality simply said it all. We are all savage like creature with a great darkness inside us that can make us do actions we have never even thought about doing. However, it not only showed the nature of evil in us humans, but it also showed the good nature of us through characters such as Ralph and Simon. And through these good parts inside us, we are able to fight the evil that is contaminating the whole world.

Darfur Sudan

Current situations that relates to the novel. What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

While I was intently reading Lord of the Flies, I was continuously reminded of the terrible situation in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, especially Sudan. The sudden realization of how similar the situation sent goose bumps racing down my spine. The more I read, the more identical, the situation seemed it was. Similar to the chaotic fighting between the children in the novel, the war in Sudan was also ridiculous and simply crazy.

Sudan has been in a civil war between the Muslim north and the Christian south since they were left alone without the European government to stop any war, when they were granted independence in 1956. Before conquered by Europeans, the two sides were forced to peacefully live together by the European military forces. Therefore, because of the big differences between the two groups and the discomfort caused by each other’s presence, the anger and bitterness started to build up between these people, causing them to take the anger upon each other as soon as they were independent. The people of Sudan, uneducated and all, did not have the ability to settle the conflict by themselves and live peacefully. Even the leaders didn’t have much knowledge. This was one of the main reasons that they fell in war. Behind this, there were also many selfish and greedy reasons for war such as oil, land, resources, and many more. Neither of the sides backed down without showing any sign of giving up. Not knowing how to resolve any of these conflicts and how to set agreements, the two sides carried on with their savage ways of resolving conflicts, fighting. Not realizing that it was actually the Europeans that they should be mad at, the war went on for years. Uncaring about the civilians, the leaders inhumanely fought against each other, pleasing themselves through revenging and crushing the opposite side that had been giving them pain and discomfort. Despite the wrong decisions of the leaders, the only ones who actually suffered were powerless civilians, unable to do anything.

Many of these leaders started out with charisma; however, they later turned out to be easily carried away by power. Instead of basing their focus on the civilians, they were rather overwhelmed by evil at the sight of so much power a person could ask for, only caring about the pleasures he can have through this almighty power. Soon, many of the leaders fell into corruption falling deeper and deeper into the abysmal hole of evil and worldly pleasures. The flame of anger was also still burning fiercely. Lately, there finally have been some peace agreements, but these fragile agreements aren’t enough to stop savage way of obtaining what they want. The fighting for more wealth and land is still going on.

Similar to the people of Sudan without the European government to stop anything, the boys were without any adults to stop fights and maintain order. The kids also have to set up a government of their own and a way to survive by themselves such as the Sudan did without much help from the European government. These boys did not have any knowledge or help, and had to try to make a way of getting rescued by themselves. Compared to Sudan, divided through religion, Muslims in the north and Christian in the south, the boys were also divided into two groups: the hunters, led by Jack and the rest, led by Ralph. Contrasted to the situation in Sudan, the boys got along well when they first met, in fact they were excellent. However, parallel to what it was like in Sudan, Jack’s hunter and Ralph’s group had so much difference between themselves which ignited conflicts and fighting. Jack’s hunters were carried away with worldly pleasures; wanting to enjoy the time being there and simply hunt, while Ralph who was more responsible and cared more about surviving, contradicted Jack. Similar to Sudan’s situation, big ones became leaders, but because of their wrong choices, the little ones, such as the civilians in Sudan, suffered. As fighting went on between the boys, they became more savage and inhumane. Although, the war in the novel didn’t carry out many deaths and it way different than the war in Sudan, both of them were done savagely without compromising or agreements. Another crucial similarity is that if no one had come in and stopped them, whether after a week, a month, or a year, one side will win, leaving the other side completely destroyed. Most importantly, in both Sudan and in the novel, they couldn’t see who the enemy really was and what they were actually supposed to do because evil completely blinded them. Without even realizing who the real enemy was, they violently shed blood of their friends.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Overwhelming forces of evil (Theme of the Lord of the Flies and how it relates to us teenagers living in 2007)

The major theme of the novel is the idea of evil and darkness inside us all. This evil can overcome any one of us in any quick moment, when set at the right conditions. Recently, I have been watching some series drama called "Lost". In this drama, about people trapped and lost in an island, it clearly showed how a person can turn so evil when put into this horrible life-threatening situation. As I went onto watching these series, I was frightened by how evil people can turn into, even the unexpected the ones who seemed so nice did things even he, himself, would have never thought of doing. I felt that "Lord of the Flies" was similar, but it was much more shocking and dramatic, simply leaving me in an exclamation of awe.

Golding, instead of using adults, used little children, which made it much more shocking. When we all think of children, they have this clean, innocent image. Who can ever think of an innocent child going around killing people? However, he uses these boys to emphasize how everyone, and everyone, no matter how kind or nice they seem, no matter how innocent they look, will turn destructive and evil when put into a certain position. Even the kindest person that you have ever met will start stealing and killing when put in a certain surrounding. Even your best friends would stab you in the back and smile in your face.

This novel starts out with the crash of a plane that was evacuating a group of school boys. Without any adults whatsoever, these boys start their adventure in surviving. Excited by this, there is a friendliness mood going on. Not knowing what to do, these boys sit down and decide to choose a chief. There were two major leaders of the big ones: Ralph and Jack. Although Ralph was made chief, he decided to share the power with Jack and the peace and order continued. However, the peace lasted a second. Evil started to take over as the situation was getting worse and worse. Since, the rescue seemed hopeless and there wasn't much sign of it, the children were escaping more far away from civilized life, getting more confused and confused not realizing what they are heading toward . Their chaotic life continued as the children started to do whatever they felt like, forgetting what they are supposed to do. They go on to simply have fun and enjoy worldly pleasures such as hunting, stealing, and fighting for power, especially killing the pigs and doing the rituals which reveals our savage nature. Through these savage and evil actions they feel pleasure and want more of it. Like a virus, this love for violence spreads through everyone, making them all fall into evil.

With no responsibility for the weaker ones, only the powerful and big ones fought for power, forgetting what is really happening and what they are actually supposed to do. With no surprise, the first death comes; the disappearance of the little kid with a mark on his face. No one was really responsible; however, the killing just simply gets bigger. The second death is when Simon, one of the big kids, tries to bring Jack and his followers back to reality and spend effort to be saved rather than hunt. If Jack was alone, Simon wouldn't have been killed, but Jack and his group was engaged and overwhelmed by the ceremony and hwen people are in groups, they are capable of any violence that they would have never even thought of alone. Overwhelmed by evil, they killed Simon as a group. They speared him, but even after that no one grabbed their hair and said, "Oh No! What have I done!" This was extremely shocking. They inhumanely just killed another guy similar to them with no purpose. It was chaos. The last death was the worst. It was a cold-blooded murder with one and one person alone responsible for the death, Roger. Even when Piggy completely died from the fall, there was no moral. Moral or justice was inexistent. The dark and evil has completely swallowed everyone. Stealing and killing wasn't even a crime to these innocent little boys. They just simply did whatever they felt like doing to feel pleasure. And they simply went deeper and deeper into the darkness, feeling pleasure each time they go deeper.

This chaotic idea of how evil can be so powerful and destructive was absolutely petrifying. These little "innocent" boys just killed and stole without even having the common sense to realize what wrong they have done. This evil inside each one of the kids overpowers them with pleasure, controlling the kids to do whatever the evil tells them to do. Not only is it controlling their actions, but it has completely erased the moral and conscience these kids had, simply encouraging them and pulling them deeper and deeper into the beastly hole of darkness.

This is relevant to us teenagers living in 2007 because we, as teenagers also have that kind of evil inside us all desperately tempting us. An evil that tempts us to want power and be pleased in it. An evil that tempts us to use violence to be pleased. An evil that overwhelms us to want worldly pleasures. If you have carefully observed teenagers in 2007, you would have clearly noticed how violent they have become and how keen they are to power. Everyone wants to be strong and cool having power and getting respect from other guys. Who wants to be a weak nerd getting pushed around all the time? Recent fights that I have witnessed were usually to determine who was the stronger and better guy. How foolish is that, fighting over some nonsense things. But we still fight for it, and I may be criticizing these people the whole time, when I will also fight for power if I had the opportunity and right conditions. Adults aren't the only ones that have evil inside. We, as teenagers, have the evil that can burst out of us and control us to even start killing.